Hi, I'm

Hassan Abdullah

Front-End Developer | Designer
IT Lab Assistant At Somaville University
Web Designer At KOBAC Tech Solutions


About Me

Software Engineer - Front-End Developer

I am a Front-End Developer with a background in Graphic Design, Video editing and Content Creation. I was born in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. I love to share my experiences with others and learn something new every day.

Name | Hassan Abdullah Mohamed
Birthday | 10 Sep 2003
Degree | Bachelor Student
Phone | +25261 370 9326
Email | Hassanalmahdi.23@gmail.com
Address | Somalia - Mogadishu - Waabari

Arabic |

Somali |

English |



My Education

Primary School

Al-Haramain | 2009 - 2016

Saudi Arabia - Jeddah

Middle School

Hassan Bin Thabit | 2016 - 2019

Saudi Arabia - Jeddah

Secondary School

Elmi Blie | 2019 - 2021

Somalia - Mogadishu

University Level

Somaville University | 2021 - Present

Somalia - Mogadishu

Training & Courses

Full-Stack Web Development

Somali Technology Association Center | 2022 - 2023

Mern-Stack Web Development

IRiseHub - Ministry of Youth & Sports of Somalia | 2023

AI For Everyone & AI Ethics

IBM - MTI Institute | 2024

English For IT & Js Essentials 1

Cisco Networking Academy | 2023 - 2024

Certificate of Participation in The Ramadan Coding Challenge

MTI Institute | 2024

Graphic Design & A+ Certification

Somaville University | 2021 - 2022

Video Editing

Somali Journalists Syndicate SJS - Silver Academy | 2023

More Than 10 Attendance Certificates

Google Community In Saudi Arabia | 2022 - 2023


My Skills

Node Js
React Js
Adobe Softwares


My Services

Designs & Video Editing

I can help you to design social media posts and prints & I can produce videos professionally and with high accuracy

Web Development

I can help you to build your website professionally and very quickly And convert your UI/UX design to code

Accounts Management

I can help you to manage your accounts on social media, whether personal or other ......


My Projects

  • All
  • Designs
  • Developments


Latest Blog

21 Aug, 2023

Laptop-ka Ugu Haboon ee lagu baran karo Programming-a

Arday kasta ee raba ino bartaa programming waxaa waajib ah ino helaa laptop xawaara fiican leh marka su'aasha ugu muhiimsan o ardayga isweydiiyo waa kuma laptopka ugu haboon barashada.... More

01 Sep, 2023

Farqiga Udhaxeeya Front-End iyo Back-End Developer

Markii Lajoogo Dhanka "Web Development" Waxaa jiro labo shaqo ugu caansan waxeena kala yihiin, Front-End Developer iyo Back-End Developer. Hoostaan waxa sharaxi doonna micnaha.... More

05 Oct, 2023

Programming-a ma adagyahay? Iyo Luuqaddee ugu adag?

Luuqadda ugu dhibka badan waa luqadda koowaad ee aad baran doonto, ha ahaato mid fudud ama mid adag, sababtoo ah wax kasta oo luqaddu adiga ayay kugu cusub yihiin, iyo haddii aad doorato.... More


Contact Me




Hassan Abdullah

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